Sugarloaf Grass Fed Farm
Seymour, TN 37865 USA
Telephone : (865)771-2642

Contact Us

Welcome to Sugarloaf Grass Fed Farm, Seymour Tennessee, boarding Sugarloaf Mountain and the beautiful Tennessee Smoky Mountains. 

Our animals are grass fed, free of induced hormones. Our customers count on this standard as a benchmark in measuring the quality of our sale stock. 

We have a variety of animals including red wattle & hampshire hogs, katahdin sheep, cattle, tamuk & new zealand rabbits, several breeds of chickens, muscovy, pekin, magpie, cayuga & silver appleyard ducks, call ducks, bourbon red & royal palm turkeys, peach golden, silver & ringneck pheasants, india blue & purple peafowl, pomeranian & pilgrim geese, coturnix quail, pigeons, hedgehogs, sulcata tortoises & Pyranese/Anatolian LG dogs. Our animals are very friendly and have plenty of space to roam.

Be sure to visit our for sale page for any available animals and feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.